After Daniel gets out of his Heroic BSoD thanks to Miyagi knocking some sense into him, Barnes goes on to taunt Daniel, claiming that he's a fraud and that both his karate and Miyagi are full of shit. Break the Haughty: Kreese is going through hard financial times at the beginning.
Cobra Kai also realized the ridiculousness of this and reverted back to the rules of the first movie for the season 1 All-Valley, where Xander Stone is shown fighting in every round until Miguel drops him in the semi-finals. The only exception would be the likes of exhibition matches. note Although this was probably a byproduct of filming being stopped for several weeks when Ralph Macchio caught oak poisoning while filming the Devil's Cauldron scenes, and Sean Kanan having to get emergency surgery for a torn abdominal wall he sustained while doing his own stunts Sports in general can be brutal on athletes and any defending champion would have to prove their skill in the normal bracket. This rule clearly exists just to skip a tournament montage in the third act.
No yearly sports event would give past victors a free ticket to the final rounds.The first season of Cobra Kai ultimately reveals that indeed, the Cobra Kai Dojo received a lifetime ban it was only an impassioned speech by Johnny Lawrence (over thirty years later) and his lack of affiliation with Silver and Barnes, and over the justified objections of a prominent All-Valley board member (Daniel himself) that get the ban overturned.

Even simply yelling at Daniel when he was down would have gotten Barnes penalized for unsportsmanlike conduct. That is instant disqualification, with an indefinite ban for him and his dojo.